Billing for service performed at another hospital
Medicare FFS patient. Inpatient at hospital A, sent to hospital B for a specialized procedure and sent back to hospital A to continue inpatient care. By regulation, A will bill the whole stay as one admission and include the procedure performed at B on the claim (as if they did it). B will bill A for the service.
I know this is the regulation but does it work in real life? How does A know how to code the service? How does A decide how much to pay B? How do the billers at B know to send the bill to A and not to Medicare?What if the patient spent a night at B recovering? Does that affect how much B gets paid?
I know this is the regulation but does it work in real life? How does A know how to code the service? How does A decide how much to pay B? How do the billers at B know to send the bill to A and not to Medicare?What if the patient spent a night at B recovering? Does that affect how much B gets paid?
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