Intravenous Pushes with the Same date/time stamp

I would like to know what others are coding for intravenous push documentation of multiple drugs with the same date and time stamp in MAR Summary.  Ex. In MAR Summary the Patient has three different lines of medications given IV Push i.e., Morphine, Zofran and HydroMorphone but all have the same date and time.  Are you coding that with 96374, 96375 x 2 or just the 96374 x 1?  if anyone has any official guidance out there also I would love to have it forwarded.


  • here is the answer from Jugna Shah, master of everything revenue integrity-

    I am assuming there are orders for each of the drugs to be given separately via IV push.  If so, then you would report 3 separate IV pushes using 96374 x 1 and 96375 x 2 assuming these were the only drug admin services provided.  If all three drugs were mixed together and given in one injection then as you know, you’d report all of the drugs separately just as you would in the first scenario, but you’d only report on IV injection.  There is no requirement for start and stop times on IV pushes. You will see start times in the MAR but no stop times, and if all three injections are given let’s say one after the other starting at 10 AM, then you would see 10 AM for each one in the MAR.

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