Charges for Human Milk Fortifier (Prolact)

Hi all! For those of you at facilities with NICU's that are using Prolact, are you charging for it? The popular opinion is that it is a food/supplement and should not be charged for. However, I believe a case can be made otherwise. It is actually considered a biologic, and there are facilities out there charging for it. Interested to know how others within this community are handling this. If your facility is charging for it, what rev codes are you using? How is it being stored and dispensed?

Thanks in advance!



  • We made use of Price Transparency by doing some Googling to figure out how other hospitals were charging for it, and decided to go with Revenue Code 0250 without a HCPCS or CPT.

  • Bringing the Prolacta topic back up again to see if anyone has any recent updates they can share. The organization I am currently at has been struggling with receiving reimbursement for Prolacta for years. They have tried a few different tactics, but none have been successful to date. Curious if anyone has had any luck with receiving reimbursement and how you are billing for it? We are a designated children's hospital in Texas with the majority of our payer population being Medicaid.

    Thank you!

  • We are in a similar position. If anyone is interested in chatting, we would love to do so!

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