Supplies in the Chargemaster

How do others manage the chargeable supplies/implants?  We utilize a shell system with OR and Cath lab supplies.  The other departments have supplies that are listed individually in the chargemaster.  Supply chain management utilizes Lawson to manage the inventory and chargeable items.  I am attempting to cut down on duplication of chargeable supplies as well as managing the upkeep of them.  Any ideas/thoughts? Thank you.


  • We currently utilize a shell charge, and Lawson as well for our OR and Cath Lab supplies.  Other departments' supplies are in the charge master as individual charges that can be used by all other departments if appropriate.
  • We utilize supply CDMs categorized by CPT/HCPCS or supply "families" and sub-divide those into costing ranges.  We minimize duplication by reviewing all Lawson item adds to validate if they are chargeable or not and then assigning them to one of the cost-banded CDMs.  Since we use Cerner and have a direct feed from Lawson to Cerner's Item Master, the CDMs are then associated in Cerner by Lawson Item Number.  Since the Surgical documentation drives off of that Item Master, as the teams document on a chargeable item, the CDM posts.  We also use ParExcellence for supply tracking and charge capture, and those CDMs are assigned in the same manner (by Lawson Item Number).  Our Cath Labs and IR areas use ParEx for their supply charging, so as they pull an item out under a specific case, the charge is generated.  This ensures that even if multiple departments use the same device, we are mapping to the same CDM.  
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