
C1776 Joint device (implantable). How are facilities billing for these items?

Stryker is advising we can bill for each component due to AHA Coding Clinical Article (Volume 16, Number 3 3016) “if multiple joint components are utilized for the joint replacement, HCPCS code C1776, joint device (implantable), can be reported in units as long as documentation supports multiple joint parts utilized" but the auditor is stating "According to Coding Clinic for HCPCS volume 16, Number 3 2016, AHA Coding Clinic for HCPCS - First Quarter 2020, HCPCS C1776 is a joint device that functions as its natural counterpart. The other hardware and accessories placed at the time of a joint replacement are not applicable under HCPCS code C1776 and will not be reimbursed." Therefore, they are allowing 2 units of C1776 for the hip- femoral component and acetabular component.

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