Nurse Practitioner for diabetic education

Thinking of hiring an NP for our diabetic ed department.  She will be an employee of the hospital. What codes would anyone suggest for her/him to use?


  • Adding to the above question.  This nurse practitioner would be employed by our hospital. She would be consulted to see IP regarding their diabetes.  She would bill an E&M and would bill on a professional form.  She would be credentialed.  There may be a time where she would see an OP as well.  What codes would you suggest for an NP?
  • for clarity, are you talking about the diabetes self-management training program available for Medicare? Or is this a NP who would be asked to see a patient by the hospitalist to "Consult" on their diabetes?
  • This would be a NP asked to see a patient by another physician to consult on their diabetes.
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