Overlapping OP Hospital Claims

I am seeking guidance on how to properly bill overlapping OP claims.  The following is an example scenario. Pt comes in Day 1 to receive administration of Radiopharmaceutical for a NM procedure and is registered under FIN# 12345 which will generate a claim. Pt comes in Day 2 for the scanning portion of the NM procedure and is registered with new FIN# 67891. In addition to the scanning the patient is seen in a Hospital OP Clinic which generates a Clinic Visit and has lab drawn which will then drop to a claim for Day 2. The NM scan must be reported on the same claim with the Radiopharmaceutical charge from Day 1.   The Date range on Day 1 encounter needs to be From Day 1 through Day 2. Can you bill a claim with the NM services on a claim with the Day1 and Day 2 date range and still bill a separate claim for Day 2 for the other services?  Should both FIN#s be combined to 1 OP claim to prevent overlapping OP claims? Are there any special condition or value codes that have to be reported if you separately bill the 2 OP claims or if you combine the OP encounters?

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